Lots of comments on Pontiac dropping its police and contracting with sheriff department.
Joe USA wrote on Oct 12, 2010 6:19 PM:
" The department also has an agreement with the patrol officer’s union, which will have to be reviewed? The Fire dept union is one of the reasons the police department is where it is. Get off the union kick. Think jobs. "
furred wrote on Oct 12, 2010 6:21 PM:
" Good riddance PPD! Maybe now people will obey speed limits, traffic signals, drug laws, and gun laws. "
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Dr. Leo Marvin wrote on Oct 12, 2010 6:23 PM:
" Wonder if Bouchard will try and tackle the out-of-control gang violence in Pontiac? "
army74 wrote on Oct 12, 2010 6:37 PM:
" To: Furred what gun laws are you refering to the illegal gun carriers who dont obey laws anyway. Or are you referring to the legal gun owners Who have a right to carry openly in a holster visible to the public in stores , restraunts etc.. "
WTF wrote on Oct 12, 2010 7:10 PM:
" This is nothing new. They've been talking about this for years. The citizens of Pontiac better get ready for these rednecks. "
Enough wrote on Oct 12, 2010 7:37 PM:
" I just pray that the officers that stay on with the Sheriff deserve to be there. The citizens of Pontiac won't benefit from officers that are not going to make our community more safe or tolerable to live in. We need and want officers or deputies that take their job seriously and command respect from the criminal element.
Whatever it takes to make the residents safe let's get to it!!!!! "
rob neighborhood wrote on Oct 12, 2010 7:38 PM:
" Protect the people, governments highest duty, Oakland County Sheriff has been a good department for decades, citizens of Pontiac deserve good cops,,,,,, "
749 wrote on Oct 12, 2010 8:27 PM:
" It is about time. I hope I live long enough to see the time come when I wont be afraid to go outside after dark, here in Pontiac. "
bart_mancuso wrote on Oct 12, 2010 8:52 PM:
" God bless the citizens of Pontiac, and god bless the Oakland County Sheriff's Office! This is a win-win for everyone. The Pontiac officers get to join a great agency. Those that want to stay in the city can, those who are burned out can transfer to other areas. Even the dispatchers, who are worthless, are going to get chance. The city gets fresh blood, new strategies, highly motivated officers, the latest technology, and backup from all directions when needed. The Sheriff has to make progress, significant progress, or he is going to get slaughtered in the next election. The pressure is on, time to produce results. The best of PPD's finest paired with the fresh ideas of the Sheriff, combined with the resources of a large, well-equipped agency....and all with a bit of a savings for the taxpayer. Better days are ahead! "
Seen It wrote on Oct 12, 2010 10:37 PM:
" I fail to see where the saving is. Doesn't the City have to cover the cost of the Deputies or is the rest of Oakland County going to be subsidizing the City for these Deputies? If the City is maintaining the substation, I don't see a savings there. Deputies make more money than the City's patrolman-no savings there. Is there a guarantee that all the patrolman will be accepted by the OCS department? Don't they have to go through a screening process? I don't believe this is an automatic transfer to the OCSD. Some of these officers may very well be in the unemployment line. I want to see the savings in writing, published in the OP. "
waterfordmom wrote on Oct 13, 2010 8:09 AM:
" Years ago, Pontiac PD gave up minimum manpower to freeze wages/benefits-Pontiac FD did not. PD chose to vote on changing their charter with the city. The fire department has nothing to do with this. "
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Cosmo wrote on Oct 13, 2010 8:35 AM:
" Police departments were never intended to be local, it’s an American phenomenon. It’s widely accepted that a local PD cannot be removed from the local politics, and it ends up that the PD is often running the locale.
Line officers don’t have the training or education needed to make every street decision, and the results are often to appoint themselves the judge and jury, and deciding the penalty.
Those connected often walk, and those who are not can bear the full brunt of coercion or violence.
A Metro police force has always been the answer to the myriad of departments in Michigan. One department is run with educated and dedicated officers and administration, while the neighboring community endures a force operating as if this were 1950. Pre-rights USSC rulings.
Whether you choose to read of officers to the south of Oakland directing a witness to commit perjury, or detectives to the east fabricating evidence, or even the Military raid on an overage and overweight pot gardener…education to attain professionalism is surely needed.
Decentralized enforcement of law is wrought with opportunities for mistakes, corruption, self-seeking goals, and ignorance.
A career is not a profession. A profession is a studied involvement in occupational activities.
One of the many myths of PD’s is the danger level, when modern society has actually made officers into processing clerks.
Let the sheriff take over the most archaic departments, then let the OCSD become professional. "
SMH wrote on Oct 13, 2010 8:39 AM:
" This is extremely disappointing. I remember an article not to long ago outlining the difference in pay for the deputies versus Pontiac officers, it was not a savings to the city. Also, if the city is going to absorb the cost of maintaining the current facility where are they saving?
Some people are so happy about this discussion, but the reality is the sheriff dept could care less about the residents of this city. I have witnessed incidents involving young people and it was not pleasant. By the way, I am a law abiding citizen and I was not pleased with the way they handled the situation. This is not good for the city or the residents.
Watch and see, we will have more problems and financial burdens from lawsuits behind this venture. What I don't understand is why the City Council is not fighting this. They should be taking this to Lansing and finding funding to keep our officers.
And for all the residents that support this change, wait until it affects you and your family. Not just the other folks you love to refer to. Atleast PPD knows the residents and what your dealing with. Good luck with that understanding from the county.
I truly respect and applaud the majority of the PPD. It's not easy to do a job that people don't appreciate you for day in and day out. Not only do they catch it from the criminals they catch it from the residents that won't even bother to call in a crime or give any type of support.
God bless all the officers in Pontiac and thank you guys for making an attempt to make a difference in a city that didn't show you anything in return for all your efforts. Keep fighting for your department. It's not over yet.
As far as the EFM shame on you for coming into the city and making such an hasty decision.
Haters you can start bashing my comments now. "
C wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:18 AM:
" You know what? Big deal.Either way it goes it's not going to change a thing.All it means is that the city can negotiate with OCSD not hire them and with the track record of our city when it comes to negotiating I wouldn't count on anything changing in the near future or the far future for that matter. "
The Commish wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:19 AM:
" Ever since the morning of January 15, 2008 I have been waiting for this day to come. As I stood outside LeBaron Elementary in the cold toe to toe with the Pontiac Command Officers, WHO were trying to take away Pontiac Firefighter JOBS !!! I stated that this day was COMING. The Citizens of Pontiac deserve a reasonable response time when they call for help. The Citizens of Pontiac have NO CONFIDENCE in the COMMAND STAFF of the ppd. Michigan JOBWORKS, will help you with a resume. GOOD RIDDENCE !!! "
LysolLucy wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:29 AM:
" I do favor the color brown over blue.
I hope the boys in brown are hard nosed thug hating Boars. I hope they hit the neighborhoods and streets full force, clean up this city of these thugs.
Just a word to OCSD: When bringing on the boys in blue, please remember that there are only a few that are worth adding to your department, 80% of them need to be tossed to the curb with the rest of Pontiac's trash.
PPD officers, those of you that are honest good cops, you know who you are, and the residents appreciate all that you have done for us. "
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seriously wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:31 AM:
" If any of you think the Oakland County Sherrif's department is going to help Pontiac . . wake up and smell the coffee! It takes them forever to respond to any call, my vehicle was broken into and they didn't want to take the time to write a report! Not to mention the million times I have called them for speeders flying down my 25 mph speed limit road and they have done NOTHING! They are worthless! The PPD will be missed! They at least did their job! "
Eddie James wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:35 AM:
" Pontiac will NEVER be the quality family city it once was. The streets were all safe to walk at all times. There were businesses everywhere. The (we) kids walked to our neighborhood schools and home again. The Neighborhood Dads all worked at G.M. and the Moms took care of the homes and kids. There were never any issues about "Enough Police" There were no such thing as "CrackHead" or "Baby Mama" or "Bridgecard". There were not booze stores on every corner and people did not terrorize their neighborhood with obnoxious car's and stupidly loud noise making sound system's. We Knew the name of all our neighbors and they knew us. Pontiac was a good city to raise a family in for a long time. And then came the Federal Government to force Busing on the people of the City. The city has been in decline ever since. Now my home town is just a big stinking ghetto, Loaded with "Hood Rats", More Danger than Iraq. Them big yellow buses ruined Pontiac and Many other once Great American cities. "
makes no sense wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:35 AM:
" To the Commish- Hope you are happy with what you get! You will deserve it, and I will bet that you WON'T be happy when you do get it. PPD did not take firefighter jobs away. The firefighters took police officer jobs away! All you have to do is look at the numbers to see that I am correct!
As for reasonable response times, don't look to that to happen. The article says "The Oakland County Sheriff’s proposal gives the city 74 sworn personnel, similar to the current levels of the Pontiac Police Department." They have 77 sworn personnel now! It looks like the citizens are going to be LOSING sworn personnel! Great Job Stampfler! Of course you don't care as long as you get your $12,000 a month, you don't like in Pontiac! "
mixedmutts wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:36 AM:
" JUST GREAT!!! as if Pontiac does not have enough problems: gangs/drugs/hookers/no jobs/unemployment/home foreclosers now the "GOOD OLE BOYS" have to take away the precious few police we had left? And we all know how long it took to get the police out NOW, can you just imagine how long it is going to take for the Oakland Sheriff's to respond?? Maybe the powers that be want Pontiac to just dry up and disappear. Ive lived here for over 45 yrs. and have seen the worst and best She has to offer, but NEVER this bad. I kept hopping it would just bounce back like before, but now I know we are not. I and my extended family, who have been Pontiac residents for more than 100 years, are leave. SHAME ON THE BIG THREE, SHAME ON THE GOVERMENT OF PONTIAC, AND SHAME ON ANYONE ELSE THAT HAD A HAND IN THE DEATH OF PONTIAC MICHIGAN. SHE WILL BE MISSED. "
Angela wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:43 AM:
" To SMH- I coundn't agree with you more! Thank you for your comments. And thanks to all those who support the PPD.
I do have to wonder where so many of you were when we had a recent support rally for the PPD. THIS IS WHAT WE WERE TRYING TO TELL STAMFLER THE WE DID NOT WANT!
waterfordmike wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:46 AM:
" Hopefully, Waterford will be next.. "
The Commish wrote on Oct 13, 2010 10:02 AM:
" With PPD's response times of at least an Hour................. Give me a break. You could drive from Bay City and get to Pontiac in that amount of time. PPD sold their jobs away by trading Minimum Manning for Cash.... Good Riddance. "
Where is the LOVE wrote on Oct 13, 2010 10:41 AM:
" Where is the MATH? 9 million deficit for 2010-2011 and the idea is to get rid of the police department and replace them with oakland county sheriffs at a cost of @137,838.00 each. The maintenance and upkeep of the building will be paid for by who and with what money? Lastly, what does the population of any city in 2000 have to do with this story? "
smartone wrote on Oct 13, 2010 11:04 AM:
" No wonder Pontiac is in this shape nobody does their homework. For the next two years you will see plenty of sheriff cars Those will be traffic cars that should be patrolling the whole county. After that OCSO will say they need more manpower more money can't afford. Oh my a township in oakland county is in that position now Royal Oak Twp. MSP is helping out because residents can't pay the bill. "
larry wrote on Oct 13, 2010 11:07 AM:
" To : Eddie James wrote on Oct 13, 2010 9:35 AM:
You are a very smart person, I agree with 100% of what you stated.
BUSING kick started the death of Pontiac. Now all we can hope for is a resurrection for this city, but I will not see it during my lifetime.
The folks that have ran this city for the last many years, are the same folks that destroyed Pontiac, they have moved into every department at city hall, moved into every neighborhood and have destroyed everything in their paths.
As for the OCSD, I have seen them in action,assisting with drug busts within eyesight,all were very professional. I am a law abiding resident, I have no fear of OCSD or PPD, if you keep your nose clean, then you have nothing to worry about. "
just say wrote on Oct 13, 2010 11:11 AM:
" I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE what is about to happen to the Pontiac Police Department and let alone the City of Pontiac in itself. I can't hold this inside any longer and the truth is about to be told.
This is deeper than the Oakland County Sheriff's Department taking over police services within the City of Pontiac. It's about a future takeover that all started with the Citizens of Pontiac having the wool pulled over their eyes by voting Leon Jukowski into office as the Mayor. He’s in the inner circle with the people (one being L. Brooks Patterson) who want to take over the city and its valuable assets. KEEP FOLLOWING......
The City of Pontiac has a huge valuable asset when it comes to its Water Sewerage Treatment Plant. The facility is worth anywhere from $125-$150 million because of its capability to connect every single city in Oakland County to its system. However, renovations to update the facility are not feasible financially for the city at this time. Patterson put in an offer to buy the facility for $25 million dollars and it was thrown back in his lap, because the city knows that is value is worth so much more. Why give a gem that is worth over a hundred million for a fraction of the price. KEEP FOLLOWING......
L. Brooks Patterson then put his head together with his cohorts and figured something out. Ahhhhaaaaa! How about we backdoor the city by ousting their Police Department and replace them with the Oakland County Sheriff’s. This will be a horrific mistake for the City of Pontiac. Why? For all that do not know, the Oakland County Sheriff's Department will present what appears to be a good investment in the beginning but will result in a costly consequence as time progress. The Oakland County Sheriff’s only gives one year contracts. This is because, as past history has shown, they raise their price for their services each year. Look at the cities they currently patrol and others that had to get rid of them because they became too expensive. They'll low ball cities in the beginning and give you all the bells and whistles but then a reality check comes into play in a couple years or so. By this time your city is now sucked in with “little” to no alternative because your police department has been disassembled and it takes millions to get it back. If this is allowed to happen to the City of Pontiac, which can't afford to pay the tab to the Oakland County Sheriff’s.......They'll put a lien on the city’s assets, which is mainly the Water Sewerage Treatment Plant (Golf Course, Phoenix Center, Cemetery, etc). Giving Patterson exactly what he wanted from the start. Patterson and his team think towards the future, but NOT the future for the Citizens of Pontiac.
I figure that the new Emergency Financial Manager (Stampler) doesn't realize this, doesn't care or is getting his palms greased by starting with eliminating the Pontiac Police Department as a whole.
The Pontiac Police Departments yearly budget I hear is around $ 11 million dollars and the county is offering to take over police services for $10 million dollar. Duuuuh.....The city will still be in a deficit at the end of the day. IT’S A SET UP !!!! It's bigger than the county taking over the police department.......IT'S ABOUT A FUTURE TAKEOVER OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC. If you don't believe it, you'll see. The Devil's main tool is deception. Think about it…………It’s not logical to sell off your police department and city services to the county with the excuse of lowering the City’s deficit when there are other available city assets. Assets which would not only decrease the deficit but have less of a tragic affect to the Citizens and City of Pontiac. "
Angela wrote on Oct 13, 2010 12:02 PM:
" Just Say- I think you hit the nail right on the head! It makes complete sense when the numbers stated for the take over do not! Please let your voice be heard. Make the citizen aware of what is going on. Contact Shaun Byron and ask him to print this in the Oakland Press as your opinion. He is doing a follow up article on this today! "
williep wrote on Oct 13, 2010 12:18 PM:
" This is more than a financial decision, saving $2 million is great, but if you can save $2 million and get better services that's even better. The facts have been clear for a long time. The Pontiac Police have become lethargic in their duties. We have officers riding around all day taking personal calls on their cell phones, Officers who own rental property in the city and handling this business during city time, many times officers travel into other cities and can't be located, Pontiac has massive legal suits because Officers are arresting and harassing citizens who haven't violated the law. Officers can be seen on a regular basis ignoring people who are committing traffic infractions. Many stories have been written about Ponitac Police in the Oakland Press where arrests weren't made when someone has flagrantly violated the law. The Pontiac Police Department has major issues, dispatch has even been cited for not sending officers when contacted. This Police Department has major issues and hopefully Oakland County can offer a better service, Lord knows We Need It! Not every officer is a bad seed, but currently those bad seeds are being reflected more and more in this department. "
voter wrote on Oct 13, 2010 12:59 PM:
" Let's remember who sold us out to Bouchard and Patterson when election time comes and they all come begging for our vote. The mayor is not standing up for the police or the citizens. He is suppose to work for us,the citizens. He should be standing up against the EFM and not taking this sitting down. I remember reading an article when the mayor was running that indicated that he did not like the pontiac police. So, it is not really a surprise that he is not trying to save the dept. I can tell you one thing, I will be voting NO for Jurkoski when the time comes! "
Enough wrote on Oct 13, 2010 1:25 PM:
" Wow, so many comments and what everyone has to remember is that we all have our own experiences that help persuade our decisions. Right now we are not getting what we need in public safety so if the OCSD comes in and does nothing then we don't lose, right? So if we are this low then the only way to go is up, right?
I hate to see good, honest and committed officers lose their jobs possibly but hopefully they understand the fear that lives within the residents of this community.
To the posters that said the OCSD is racist, guess what I am African American and I am more afraid of my own race than I am of non-minorities at this point. Their are bad people in every race so please don't bring race into this. We need responsible people in control of our public safety.
To the poster with the so called stand off, how and why did this person get themselves into a stand off? The lives of officers are under constant threat in those kinds of situations so they don't have time to play games with people that have bad judgment ( and I sympathize with the family for their loss), would it have been okay if one of the officers had been taken out never to return to their family by this person? Absolutely not! Criminals are just that, they think they can do anything and its time for it to stop.
I as a resident of Pontiac, will miss the good officers if they are not absorbed by the OCSD, but the good ones will be able to get employment with OCSD and or else where. We don't need non committed officers working in any department. "