Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The economics of the Kwame sentence

The main argument for not throwing Kwame in the slammer has been that if he is in jail, he cannot pay his restitution.
That position seems a little silly because he has fought every step of the way about paying his restitution.
On top of bald-faced lies about how much money he has, he had the brass to ask that his restitution be dropped to $6.
The people of Detroit might also ask how much all of this fight over his restitution has cost.
And, severl legitimate questions would be:
Is Kwame trying to wear down the city? Has he already made it more expensive to pursue restitution than to abandon it?
And, why is no one asking how he can afford all this legal resistance to paying restitution and then claim he has no money to pay? Surely his legal team is not doing this for free.


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